Character portraits (Page 7)

Updated: 12/26/2006

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Some larger color drawings of some Furry friends, and my character.

Select the thumbnail to view the full-size image.

bunnybead002.jpg Here's the colored version of the bunnybead001.jpg picture.  HoneyBadger, modeling the glass bead given to me by Nildro Hain. :)  I'm quite pleased with this. I particularly like the contours on the arms, and the one peeking eye. :)
spaceVu002.jpg Here is the color version of spaceVu001.jpg.   I turned it into some kind of stylized recruiting poster.  The scanner washed out the light blue sky.  Bah.

Mwerevu is ©2002 by her player.

hug002.jpg For Mavra: Bigears and his mama hugging each other.
Thanks for the chili, Mavra. :)
mwerevu016.jpg Here's the color version of mwerevu014.jpg.  Mwerevu.  The scanner kind of messed up her color, making her look yellower than I intended.  She's tawnier in the actual drawing.
genla002.jpg Here is the colored version of genla001.jpg, a portrait of Genla, the fox princess, surveying her domain.  She likes to sneak out of the castle and play in the forest. :)

Genla is ©2002 by her player/hy00man/owner. :)

becky002.jpg Here is the color version of becky001.jpg.  Becky is a sweet, charming, not to mention stunning, country gal vixen, and is ©2002 by her player/hy00man. :)
Whiteflower002.jpg Here is the colored version of Whiteflower001.jpg.  Whiteflower is a beautiful, graceful, feline dancer, and is ©2002 by her player/hy00mn.
kite003.jpg Erf.  The scanner could have been a little kinder to this one. :/  It's still pretty good, though. :)  The inked and colored version of kite002.jpg: DarkSilver, the world famous dragon cat (or dracat), out flying her kite. :)

Oh! I should point out that her artwork may be seen at

Vu's_006.jpg Here is the inked and colored version of Vu's_004.jpg.
pet006.jpg Here's the inked and colored version of pet003.jpg.
halloween2002_1.jpg Vu and Sparks in their Halloween costumes.  Somewhat less risqué than last year's costumes.  I like this pose, but Vu ended up pretty much hidden by my tail.  So next week I'll be posting another picture of our costumes, which shows Vu's better.
halloween2002_2.jpg And, as promised, the second picture of this year's Halloween costumes.  This one shows of Vu's "cat burglar" costume much better.
lollipop002.jpg I finally got around to coloring a fairly old pencil drawing.  This drawing is seriously flawed, but too cute to pass on coloring.  Besides, I've learned that one can get away with a lot with a cute gag, a pretty face, and a glimpse of cheetah chest. O:)
birthday002.jpg Here's the inked and colored version of Mwerevu's 2002 birthday picture.
mistletoe002.jpg Here is the color version of mistletoe001.jpg.
cornered002.jpg Here is the inked and colored version of cornered001.jpg.  Mwerevu, looking like she's about to lose a battle.
piper002.jpg Inked and colored version of piper001.jpg.
poledancer010.jpg Here's the inked and colored version of poledancer007.jpg, HoneyBadger playing the part of a pole dancer. :)
haremratel002.jpg Here's the inked and colored version of haremratel001.jpg.

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