Site updated: 3/24/2012
Hi there, and welcome to my little 'art' site. I don't actually consider myself an artist. Perhaps the term "draw-er" would be more accurate.
By profession, I'm a software engineer, and I just draw in my leisure time to relax and de-stress. It's a refreshing bit of 'right brain' activity, to balance the mostly 'left brain' work that I do all day.
Anyhow, to the pictures...
With the exception of some of the pictures in the collaborations section, all of the images are copyright © me, and many of the characters depicted are the intellectual property of their creators/players. Please use a bit of common sense with regard to using or redistributing any of the images on this site. When in doubt, ask me or the character's hy00man; it's only polite.
On hold
I'd have to say that new 'art' is on indefinite hold for the moment; I just don't have time
for drawing these days.
Although I'd love to blame this entirely on my ever increasing load at work, which is taking its toll,
the more honest truth is that I just have other projects that I'd rather be working on whenever I have some leisure time. :)
Anything that doesn't belong in a more specific
section winds up here. Some are rough sketches, others are pretty complete pencil drawings, and
others are fully inked and colored. It's a real rag bag. :)
The pages are in chronological order, with the newest stuff on the last pages.
Color portraits of various people's characters, including my own. Many are characters
on FurryMUCK, but not all.
The pages are in chronological order, with the newest stuff on the last pages.
Rough sketches of my friends on FurryMUCK.
Sketches and pencil drawings of my FurryMUCK characters: Sparks and HoneyBadger.
The pages are in chronological order, with the newest stuff on the last pages.
Pictures which are either my line drawings colored by others, or drawings by other artists which I inked and colored.
A handful of animation experiments. I'm afraid that this section hasn't been added to in years, since I found that animations are dreadfully time-consuming.
I keep saying that I don't have any natural talent, and that anyone can learn a certain measure of technical skill just with practice. Well, here's proof! :D
After due deliberation, I've decided to put up a section of 'adult' art. This is pretty much just a bit of nudity, hopefully tasteful, rather than raw spooge. You may look at this section or not as you please. :)
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